Coconut oil teeth whitening Review: Discover the Benefits

Maintaining and enhancement of oral enthusiasm is really important to have good appearance and popularity among people.

There are many techniques and treatments, which can be supportive to have a glamorous look but the most prominent way is “Coconut oil teeth whitening’’. It is a very favorable and practicable way to balance your teeth whitening and beauty, moreover coconut oil keeps teeth safe and protects from other bacteria and toxins.

If you are worried to bad breath, rigid stains and germs and toxins occur by poor hygiene and inorganic food, so now your worry time is over, as we are here to refer you a very brilliant idea to get rid all problems of your teeth with Coconut oil teeth whitening.

Coconut oil extracts from pure coconut naturally. Coconut oil is really impressive in results with its unique and effective components.

Maintain of teeth beauty and have germ free oral is possible with coconut oil. In this constructive review we will discuss different techniques, procedures, treatments and benefits of coconut oil regarding oral health and teeth whitening. We also will explore, how coconut oil whiten your teeth. Let’s move on.

Step-by-Step Guide to Coconut Oil Teeth Whitening

Let’s discuss coconut oil natural benefits and techniques step-by-step to achieve better smile before.

  • Brushing with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is enriched with natural power of relaxing and soothing. It can heal or also very reliable in use. Routine habit of brushing with coconut oil can feel better and relaxed.

It is a tooth whitener also. You can swish a spoon of coconut oil in your mouth for fifteen minutes, and spit out afterward. In this way you can improve teeth beauty.

  • Oil Pulling Technique

The master technique of oil-pulling is very effective and a traditional procedure. In this procedure coconut oil swishes into mouth for 10-20 minutes in order to extract germs and toxins out from the mouth. After maximum time oil spits out for relaxed or fresh mouth. 

  • Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Mix

Mixing of baking soda with coconut oil is another impressive technique to get teeth whitening and health. Baking soda works more effectively when mingled with antimicrobial qualities of coconut oil.

If you want to have germ free beautiful white teeth, just try the mixture of baking soda and coconut oil in brushing a week, you will be able to see the difference and results.

  • Turmeric Paste for Teeth Whitening

Yellow spice turmeric is usually use in curries or cooking but it is also very beneficial for your teeth health. Make a paste with turmeric powder and coconut oil to apply on your teeth. Bush teeth gently with the paste for astonishing results. It really works and can be a best alternative of ant teeth whitening product. Must try it.

Real Results – Before and After

With accurate consistency and techniques, coconut oil is no doubt a miracle for your yellow stained teeth. Coconut oil can change teeth color from yellow to white and also remove stains and unwanted bacteria which harms enamel.

Natural ingredients and procedure take time, must be patient and consistent to have wanted results. After adopting coconut oil for your teeth whitening, get ready to see wondering results.    

Coconut oil teeth whitening Review

Benefits of Coconut Oil Teeth Whitening

Natural Whitening Agent

Coconut oil contains natural power and  lauric acid which is a teeth whitening agent and best in whitening results. It breaks toxins and plaque and helps in removing dark, rigid surface stains.

Antibacterial Properties

Coconut oil is filled with antibacterial properties which aids in vanishing bacteria from mouth. Oil pulling method is very health beneficial in this way.

Gentle on Enamel

Unlike other bleaching whitening products, coconut oil is far away from chemicals and bleaching power, as it is a natural product to whiten teeth. It is based on natural components that is why it does not harm enamel as well as other part of your mouth.

Techniques for Coconut Oil Teeth Whitening

1.Oil Pulling

  • Pull one or two table spoons in your mouth.
  • After pulling swish oil well around in mouth for 20 minutes.
  • Swish it out after maximum time to get out unwanted germs and toxins to have plaque free mouth. rinse your mouth with water.
  • It can be repeated in many times in a week or everyday.

2.Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Paste

  • To form a paste mix coconut oil with baking soda.
  • Apply paste to brush teeth gently.
  • After brushing rinse your mouth\ thoroughly.

3.Curry Paste with Coconut Oil

  • Mix turmeric powder into coconut oil to shape a paste.
  • Allow the paste to sit for a few minutes after brushing it onto your teeth.
  • Rinse your mouth properly for freshness and prevention from stains and germs.

4.Coconut Oil and Peppermint Oil Rinse

  • Mix few drops coconut and peppermint oil together.
  • Swish into your mouth for some time.
  •  Then spit out to vanish unwanted germs and toxins.

The Best Coconut Oil for Teeth Whitening

Choosing of coconut oil for teeth beauty is essential as with accurate product, procedure and technique with oral hygiene, results will prominent. We are here suggesting you the best products in market based on coconut oil.

Integrating Coconut Oil into Your Oral Care Routine

Making a routine of integrating coconut oil for teeth whitening will impress you with results. With best techniques and procedures, teeth whitening is not impossible.

The Role of Crest 3D White Strips in Teeth Whitening

For teeth whitening Crest 3D White Strips are a best option to choose. Theses whitening strips are very beneficial and works astonishingly with coconut oil for the whitening of teeth.


Teeth whitening and glowing look is not impossible because of the miracle qualities of coconut oil. Improvement and enhancement of your look is become easy task with natural components based coconut oil. Oil is extract from the flesh of coconut to vanish all your worries regarding teeth. It can smoothly remove rigid stains, spots and toxins with no side effects like other cheap bleaching whitening products. 

With safety measures, accurate techniques and procedures, coconut oil can heal your teeth problems and issues. Oil pulling method is most prominent in this way to get rid from germs and toxins that leads to serious plaque.

If you are wandering to have glowing and radiant smile, leave your worry. Just pick up coconut oil in hands and use it with techniques mentioned above in review. It will amaze you. Coconut oil whitening procedures will take time but will give you wants results with no side effects.


Q1.How often should I practice coconut oil teeth whitening? is nature based formulas to whiten teeth. It can be used twice or thrice in a week.

Q2.How long does it take to see results?

It may take time but results will long lasting and amazing.

Q3.Is coconut oil teeth whitening safe?

A. with accurate techniques and procedures coconut oil is safe and chemical free and it is far away from bleaching effects.

Q4. Are there any side effects?

A. with no side effects, coconut oil is safest way to whiten or healthy your teeth.